Healing Retreat
Healing Retreat with Gitika Linser and Smito Gerhard Böckler
“Haus Vorderdux”, Nature Reserve “Wilder Kaiser”, Kufstein
from 16.- 26. July 2019
This holistic retreat is an invitation to take “time out” and give full attention to what’s most important: your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well being.

Smito Gerhard Böckler (holistic physician and docent Holistic Healing) and Gitika Linser (Psychosocial Councellor and Shamanic Healer) will support you with all their heart and more than 40 year experience (each!) to design together with you a personalised holistic healing scheme and program to stimulate and strengthen your inner self-healing forces, your vitality, joy and energetic aliveness, which might include:
- meditations and mindfulness
- specific dietary advises (detoxification, health building, etc.)
- specific healing exercises (polarity, Feldenkrais, Qi Gong, Breath, etc.)
- visualizations to strengthen the immune system
- stress management
- group- and individual sessions
- shamanic rituals, healings and vision quests
- explorations in nature
- emotional release and processing
- specific supplements
You also will be supported to create a “health and healing plan” for the following year (and how to step by step integrate it in your daily life) to move towards health and wellbeing, which includes all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. The incredible beauty of the surrounding nature, the simplicity and quietness of the seminar house and being surrounded by the healing intentions of other participants and staff already will provide the best base for your healing journey.
Pactical information:
- arrival day: 15 or 16 July, seminar 17- 25 July, departure day 26.7.2019
- participation possible for minimum of 3 days
- limited number of participants, early booking recommended
- languages: german / dutch / english
- price per seminar day: € 100 / day (excl. food and stay)/ minimum 3 days
- price for whole seminar (17.-25.7) € 850 if paid before 1. 7. 2019
- price per night stay: € 25 (2-bed room) / € 10 (dormitory, group room)
- price for food: self-organized, individual healing diet (approx. € 15 /day)
For all further info please contact:
Smito Gerhard Böckler:g.boeckler@hotmail.com/ M: 0031-643063423
Gitika Linser: gitilinser@web.de– / M: 0043-537263694
Seminarhaus Vorderdux, Stadtberg 1, A-6330 Kufstein, Austria, +43-5372-63694