
True healing comes from within

I believe true healing can only come from within, independent from the treatment. This is something I already realised during my medical and psychological studies. Feeling separate from parts of ourselves that belong to us lies at the root of many diseases.

This expresses itself as stagnation in our growth. Finding ways to bridge this separation will open the gates for healing and development again. This may be through meditation, mindful communication, psychotherapeutic techniques or energetic bodywork,

Coaching and therapy is a journey

Work Experience

Clinical director and senior lecturer of post Hbo education “Holistic Coach-Counselor”NOGG | Netherlands
Teacher Medical knowledge and Psychsocial knowledgeNOGG | Netherlands
Teacher Medical knowledgeInstitute ConAmore, Netherlands
Teacher “Holistic Healing” and Medical knowledgeHOLOS, Netherlands
Lecturer, education of medical students and GP’sVU University, Netherlands
Lecturer for Energetic Body Work. Focus on personal development, bioenergetics, neo-Reichian body work, breath therapy.Shakti Institute, Netherlands
Trainer for therapistsAcademy of light, OCS, Italy
Trainer for therapistsGautama Multiversity, Italy
Lecturer on:
“Awareness and the therapist/client relationship”
“Holistic approach of working with Trauma”
Osteophieschule Deutschland, Germany
Lecturer psychologyOsteophieschule Deutschland, Germany
Advisory medical doctor for the community of HaarlemHaarlem, Netherlands
Lecturer “Life’s phases and Transitions”Focus, Netherlands
Facilitor of seminars and workshops on life phases, holistic development and self-healing.Austria, Australia, Germany, Netherlands and Italy
Private practice of natural medicine, holistic healing and self-developmentAmsterdam, Netherlands


PhysiklaborantWuppertal Germany (1972)
Medical studiesGiessen and Marburg Approbation as GP (1982)
Humaniversity TherapistMultiversity, Egmond, Netherlands (1983)
Doctor Humaniversity Psychology and TherapyMultiversity, Egmond, The Netherlands (2000)

Study of different forms of body oriented psychotherapy (1979 – 2001)(Bioenergetics, Gestalt, Feldenkreis, Neoreichian acupuncture, Homeopathy, Cranio sacral therapy, Breath therapy, Biofeedback, Natural medicine, Meditation)



Working as general practitionerGermany (1983 – 1986)
Lecturer in different Therapist educationsNetherlands, Germany, Italy (1983 – now)
Working for more than 30 years with people in the field of holistic healing and self-development(1986 – now)
Developing trainings with a holistic approach based on unity of body, mind and spirit 
Therapeutic work with individuals and groups in emotional release sensitivity and meditation self-development 
Clinical director of the Healing Center of the Multiversity EgmondEgmond, Netherlands
Director for 2 year2 of sex-counselor trainingNetherlands
Working with children/adolescents and counselors of SOS Kinderdorf GermanySOS Kinderdorf, Germany
Shamanic rituals for Transitions and Transformation (Lifephases) 
  • German
  • English
  • Dutch
  • Basic Italian and French
Studying martial arts (6 years) 
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